A Little More About Sin City

I can’t believe my week is over here. I’m starting to get a slight headache from going and … well I guess exhaustion. Believe it or not I haven’t been up late or anything like that. It’s more of the walking around. Seems like I was sick as a dog last time I went home from a business trip. That was Philly … hmmm …..

More stuff from the trip. A’s favorite romantic thing was the gondola ride at the Venetian. Truly an amazing place. The inside looks like the outside. Hmmm … what do you mean? I mean the ceilings look like the sky. So pictures look like you are in Venice. I’ve been to Venice … it doesn’t smell as good as the Venetian. Wonderful indoor boat rides though.

A’s favorite part was the indoor boat ride. All the gondoliers sing to you on the ride. We rode with a couple from New York state. They were in their 50’s and down for a short vacation. If you are young or newly married I suggest you go on a trip and interact with some more elderly couples, they really give great advice.

But back to the boat … we got 3 songs “That’s Amore” “Sanata Lucia” and one I didn’t recognize. A was surprised I knew them. I think it impressed her. She asked how I knew them and I honestly have listened to that music for a very long time. I’ve always known them. Truly beautiful music sung by a man with a truly beautiful voice. At one point all 5 of us were singing “That’s Amore”. On the banks people would clap when the gondolier was done singing.

So … we did a lot of other things. A walked around during the day seeing everything she wanted to see and I’m either fixing something from the hotel room back at the “mother ship” or I’m in a conference. It was hard to take A to the airport on Tuesday. I REALLY loved my time with her. We so rarely get time alone and away from everyone. We work it in, but you know.

One of the funniest things was walking down the strip on the east side we saw an Elvis impersonator. For a tip he would let us take his picture and sing us a song while we got our picture taken. So, A got her picture made with bad teeth Elvis. Dude his teeth were .. well no offense .. Austin Powerish. A said she couldn’t tell if he was smoking or if he was drinking. I said it was probably both. A had no clue about what song she wanted him to sing so I picked “Love Me Tender”. In a word, it was funny!

Well, once A was gone life didn’t change much. The walking decreased. We walked everywhere and I have blisters on all my toes. It’s very painful. I really didn’t pack the right shoes. As soon as I get home I’m buying my foot massager with my birthday money.

So A calls last night and little a is just tore up crying. A says, “Well, daddy, little a was playing with your snow globe I bought you and she was being really careful, so we put the globe on the floor and I guess when she stood up she knocked it over and it broke. We’re sorry daddy.” And it’s ok, so I had to treck a few miles to Treasure Island last night and try to find a new one. Before I got off the phone I heard little a saying,” Git a lil’ one Maudy,” which translates to,” Daddy, please get me a little one to play with.” So I got little a her own little Vegas snow globe and I relaced mine that plays an intersting tune. It may be “My Way”. I’m still not sure.

Today was the last day of our conference, but it was also a very special day for A and I. It’s our anniversary today. Four years! We’ve known each other since June 21 of 2001. So that makes it almost an even 5. It has been quite an adventure. I emailed this to her today:

I just wanted to let you know that a big reason I am so successful is because of you!

I love you,


What I got from her this morning was this email:

Happy anniversary!!!!
I love you!!!!!
have a good day!!


That’s a nice way to start your day.

So my day was pretty much over mentally after lunch. I attended the last of my presentations and headed back here to talk to you guys. Sorry it’s been such a long post.

But lunch was a hypnotist named Anthony Cools. His Deborah Harry look-a-like assistant was interesting. Cools hypnotized a woman I met here from Canada. I asked her about it and I just find this stuff fascinating because it has to do with psychology.

This guy was great. They hypnotized, … thought their “coochie” was talking and everyone could hear it, they were smoking pot and a police officer walked in, a woman in the front row was flahing them, their butt was on fire every time they hear “Ring of Fire” and scooting on the floor made it feel better, and they were oragutangs … ya you had to be there, but his last suggestion was interesting.

I’ve seen hypnotists since about 1989. Not one lets their subjects remember things. This one let them remember and suggested that they would want to party really hard tonight and when their head hit the pillow they would sleep soundly and awake five minutes before the alarm. I’ll have to check in with my friend and see how it panned out for her!

So I’m back to DFW tomorrow and TFM will pick me up from the airport. Back to normal life and baseball practice et. al. hmmm … a walk down to the Belagio sounds really good right now. I think I hear a slot machine calling my name!

21 Responses to “A Little More About Sin City”

  1. Bar Bar A Says:

    Jef, your wife is soooo pretty. Happy anniversary and THANK YOU for being an example of a happily married man. You give me hope for when I get around to marrying my boyfriend and blending our families.

    P.S. Tell your wife I love her necklace, she’s got good taste in jewelry, clothes and …men!!!

  2. Edge Says:

    Thanks WW! Rampage and the necklace is from Kohl’s.


  3. Andy Says:

    Glad you enjoyed yourself! It is a tiring vacation. The commercials that show exhausted people on the plane ride back home is no lie!

    You’ll have to tell me more about this hypnotist guy. I still think no one can be hypnotized who doesn’t want to be.

    Slot machines are the best way to make money. How’d you do?

  4. appsdshell Says:

    Hey Jef,

    Thanks for stopping by my blog. So I thought I’d come check yours out and I have to say it’s refreshing to see a man who’s not going to strip clubs during his vegas business trip.

  5. Fred Says:

    Thanks for the Vegas update. It sounds like you guys had a great time.

    And, Happy Anniversay! We celebrate 20 next year; I can hardly wait.

  6. BeckEye Says:

    That sounds like fun. I’ve always wanted to go to Vegas. Especially for that huge rollercoaster they have.

  7. Edge Says:

    Andy: Ya, I was exhausted when I got on the plane and I didn’t even do the typical stay up all night and party thing. As I was leaving on Friday, people were getting off the plane and they looked all chipper and rested. I wish I could have seen them all torn up.

    As far as winning between A and I we only bet $8. A did better than me. I wanted to play the cards or the wheel, but never got a chance and really didn’t want to withdraw the money to do it. It was still fun.

    The hypnotist, I can agree with you. Something like that can’t happen unless you want it to and some people have a hard time concentrating so it’s kind of tough. Aren’t we supposed to have dinner with the dept of the interior and the war dept this week. I’ll regale you then!

    April: You know there are two things I have never done and I don’t consider myself any better than anyone who has done those things. One is going to a strip club and the other is getting a hooker. I guess I just realize I could never contain my guilt with my wife. I guess A provides enough adult entertainment for me that I might not need those things! I think you are on the right track with your man as well.

    Fred: 20 Years!!! Wow, I’m impressed the only thing I have ever done for 20 years is eat, sleep and breath and I have to do those things! That’s quote a feat – keep it up!

    Beckeye: You know they have a couple of roller coasters. We rode the one at New York New York. It was pretty good coming from someone who frequents the big ones at Six Flags Over Texas. You really should go. If you can go from Monday to Friday. A lot fewer people and the rooms are cheaper and you get the weekend to recuperate!


  8. Hulabelly Says:

    Happy Days to you!! My friend Got Married in the Venetian.. Kinda cooooll….. Did you find a nice snowglobe?

  9. mojoala Says:

    Well, I am glad you had a good time.

  10. Edge Says:

    hula: Ya, I found a replacement snow globe. Little a was so excited to see her own and was happy I replaced mine. I need to take a picture of it and post it.

    Mojo: Thank you! That means a lot coming from you.

  11. girl from florida Says:

    Sounds like a blast! And so romantic. I love the way you write about your family, your wife, etc. It’s beautiful πŸ™‚

  12. Edge Says:

    GFF: Thanks! It’s hard not to write beautiful things about beautiful people.


  13. Alice Says:

    i loooooove LV!! i went for the first time last year, and also exhausted myself from wandering the strip… well, ok, and also from partying like a nut. and wandering the strip while drinking. whatever. πŸ˜‰

  14. The Everglades Says:

    I can’t wait to pop my Vegas cherry!


  15. Lee Ann Says:

    Oh looks like you guys had so much fun. How romantic! I think my favorite part would have been the gondola ride too.

  16. Sass Says:

    WHat a great trip. Happy anniversary.

  17. Jenn Says:

    Man, I’ve been to Vegas tons in the past year and I didn’t HALF the neat stuff you guys did! I really need to not worry about partying next time.

  18. Edge Says:

    Alice: Ok, you’re one of THOSE that I see at 5:00 AM drinking a long neck and smoking. I just can’t see how people do that and stay up all night. LV is an interesting place. It is a lot of fun even ona business trip. BTW – can’t wait to see what you have for HNT given your two previous picture posts! LOL

    Everglades: It pays to do your homework before you go and see what all you can do besides the gambling and paryting.

    Lee Ann: Ya, I liked that too. It’s like an amusement park city … an adult amusement park city …

    Sass: Hey, welcome and thanks for stopping by. It was fun. Still recovering.

    Jenn: Ya, mmm, well … there is something for everyone in LV. It’s a good thing it stays in Vegas!


  19. Elle Says:

    Awww, SO sweet!! I LOVE Las Vegas. If Marc and I dont elope in the South Pacific, we are definitely getting married in vegas!

    Neer done the gondala ride. Might have to try that next time!

  20. Edge Says:

    Allison: Try the gondola and try to get that guy in the picture. He’s really from Venice. It’s wonderful.


  21. Shenna Says:

    Jef, my hubby loves Vegas. I just love to go on vacation.

    My favorite part was the Bellagio water show. Sooo romantic, especially at night!

    We walked and walked and walked too. Did you get inside New York New York and ride the roller coaster?

    I hope to be able to afford to stay at the Venetian some day!

    Happy Anniversary!

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