I’m Prejudist And So Are You

Let’s face it, we’re all prejudist and biggoted in some way shape or form. Some of us are better and dealing with it than others. K and I discussed the almost autobigraphical nature this place has turned and I wanted to write about favoritism. My choice, not his.

DISCLAIMER: Racism, prejudice and biggotry are bad things. You might get offended. Take it all with a grain of salt. There is a bit of truth in what people say.

Maybe racist isn’t the best word to use. Prejudice is a better term. We all are prejudiced in some way. But I have seen and lived with favoritism for many years.

My grandmother was “Old South” Texas. She referred to blacks by adjective and gender as in, “We had a ‘Negra woman’ stay with us once when I was a child.” The way she referred to people had nothing to do with what she thought of them however, that was just her way of explaining who she was talking about.

So is that racist? In my opinion, no. No different than any one of you referring to me as that Irish guy Jef, that Protestant Jef or plain “that white dude with the blog”. No, that’s not the way I want to be referred to all the time, but I know that’s a way to describe me. It’s only when the tone and connotation change to negative that it becomes racism or we project the actions of one individual upon an entire group.

My point is this, we all want to be around people we are like. If that means you like being around people because they are like you, is that prejudiced? It’s only prejudiced when you become closed and negative toward others it becomes a problem. I don’t like being around unintelligent people, does that make me an idiot hater? No, it just means I prefer the company of people who have some intelligence and common sense.

So that brings me to New Orleans. (You knew it would come around to this.) This hasn’t been getting a lot of press, but isn’t this just what we have been talking about? See This Story

Signs for workers crowd medians all over the city.

Mike Dunbar, a black business owner whose company removes Sheetrock and insulation, put up some of them.

But he won’t hire immigrants.

“I’m not prejudiced,” he said. He worries if Hispanic workers settle into the area, black residents won’t have jobs when and if they return.

So far he’s hired only nonimmigrant workers from Georgia and Texas because his former employees have not returned.

Sorry, but I think this guy is prejudiced. I think he just wants to give jobs to African Americans and he’s come as close as he can to being prejudiced without saying it using the economy as an excuse. As ethnic a history as that area has, there should be no room for this behavior. A white guy says, “Hey, I just want to give white guys jobs,” and the press is all over it. An African American says it and it’s just page 2 news. By the way Hispanics are now the majority population in Texas. If this guy was smart he would notice that and start to do more business with the Hispanic population.

So you tell me, who’s really prejudiced?

All this on the heals of the death of Rosa Parks. A simple black woman who just wanted to sit on the bus. Interesting how a simple decision can change the way we look at the world.

And my grandmother, long gone from this world, her time came and went and I don’t refer to African Americans as “Negra’s” despite hearing that word a lot as a kid. It’s just Gary or Susan now. I don’t think we are a really more advanced people than we were thousands of years ago. I think we just have more technology and a shorter memory and attention span and we find the facts to support our side of the argument but not the facts to support the truth. Egyptians enslaved the Jews – rather Hebrews – witches were suspect of strange things in early New England Massacheusettes, Hitler hated lots of people but Germany won’t let you be a Nazi and radical Muslims still hate Americans, specifically Jews and Christians. The only conclusion we can draw is that things don’t change we just have more technology to track it.

14 Responses to “I’m Prejudist And So Are You”

  1. Lee Ann Says:

    Excellent post! I am total agreement…especially what you said about “A white guy says, “Hey, I just want to give white guys jobs,” and the press is all over it. An African American says it and it’s just page 2 news.” And I am like you, I just like to be around people like me! (and that could be any skin color)

  2. Emily Says:

    Great post Jef. I keep myself somewhat sheltered from news and media these days, for the most part it is all so depressing. I really enjoyed reading your post however, and the linked article. I totally agree with you, thanks for sharing.

  3. JJ Says:

    Mr. Jef

    First of all, I believe the term is ‘prejudiced’. ‘Prejudist’ probably comes closer to ‘pre-judist’ (as in priest) than the actual meaning of the word which is an irrational hatred of a particular group, race, or religion.

    Secondly, please refrain from calling others ‘prejudist’ without having walked in their shoes and have been disadvantaged socially, economically, or otherwise because of their skin color. I’ve spent the last 30 years trying to overcome this issue with friends and acquaintances, but people like you continue to bring it up.

    While you’re on the subject, I’d like to direct your readership to:


    Until we’re able to deal with this topic in a constructive manner, we’ll never get it behind us.


  4. Bar Bar A Says:

    Just got done listening to the Larry Elder show (do you know him) on my drive home and this was, as it often is, the topic.

    They were talking about the basketball coach that wants his players to wear ‘business casual” rather than hip-hop. Of course, most businesses have dress codes but this guy is apparetnly racial because he wants his players to dress in slacks and a shirt with a collar.

    I don’t understand why whites get called racists all the time but other racists can trash whites without being called racist. It makes little sense to me.

    Love the pic of Stevie and Paul but I am not a big Paul fan. I adore Stevie. Now if I said I adored Paul would I be racist? Truth is I just have good taste in music 🙂

  5. Elle Says:

    Awesome post! Have you seen the movie Crash? If not, rent it. Soon.

  6. Kay Ray Says:

    I have my own views on this topic, and I guess it depends on the situation on weather or not I am in fact prejudice or not. I think people get jealous over anyone who has “special” considerations.

    I am single, no kids with middle class job but can’t get money for school!! Thats a crock of crap and yes I get prejudice over that subject, I won’t blabble on your blog though LOL…

    Nice Blog!!


    Kay Ray

  7. Pieces of Me Says:

    hm I dont really know what to say to this…I mean i guess we all do have our “prejudices” but I think there is a line of appropriation that should be drawn…but that is just me…I am not racist about blacks or anyone else for that matter…I dont like to stereotype an entire race for a group of good or bad people…I am sick of the racial car being played over and over again…I mean could we have a form of the white NAACP hell no…I couldn’t believe what Kanye West said…it is just ignorant stuff like that…I mean there are a lot of mexicans that I dont like but that doesn’t mean the entire race is that way..ya know? There are a lot of whites I dont like so should I be anti-cracker?? I am white BTW…lol! I just think the whole stereotyping an entire race is incredibly ignorant and stupid…oh well what do I know?? TTYL

  8. Edge Says:

    Lee Ann: Ya, there are too many people who are too sensative when someone says, “Hey, I don’t want to associate with you.” This is very much a liberal political issue. I consider myself fairly liberal for a conservative, but I just don’t see how we can look the other way AND over scrutinize.

    Emily: Thanks for reading. I try to have an intelligent thought now and then.

    JJ: You’re an idiot. It took you 30 years. Spend another 30 to get it right. And I’m not stopping the bringing up!

    WW: Ya, I just don’t buy the argument that the SAT is racially biased. “Find the square root of 36,” that’s racially biased? Go figure …

    Allison: Nope, haven’t seen it, we have a Blockbuster rental “pass” thing so we can pick it up any time. That’s a story I’ll continue to track. Haven’t seen you in a while around here. Thanks for stopping by. Hope the schedule clears up. That’s a good life move.

    Kay Ray: First loved the office Halloween costumes! I chuckled.

    Ya, I know what you mean about scholarships. I was the typical male WASP in high school. Seems I couldn’t get scholarships because I was too male and too white. Ya, my grades were better than other ethnics, but that doesn’t mean anything. It really burned me that people who worked hard weren’t rewarded, but those who had the right skin color were. Go figure.

    Pieces: Glad you came back! Loved the Minnie Mouse pics. Little a was Minnie Mouse last year, wonder if I can find pic to trade. Since our kids are minnie mouse alums.

    I know what you mean about that racial card. I told my wife it would be a matter of hours after Katrina when it would get played. I’ve been to NO a couple times and I knew the make up of the city so it HAD to be played and it angered me.

    There are a lot of people I don’t like, so I’m a people hater I guess. So sue me. Here’s the deal. Our model for ethnic indulgence should be like Hawaii. They don’t push their culture on anyone. They grow it by commercializing it through the Polenisian cultural center. They pass their values down that way. In my opinion, if you want to have a Kwanzaa party, great, but don’t force my child to study it for 6 weeks in school and claim that’s all there is to study. If that’s the case, I want 6 weeks on the history of Irish immigrants to the United States or better the Accadian migrants from Canada to Louisiana.

    You know a lot, don’t back down on what you believe!


  9. Hoagie1 Says:

    I think a lot changed, but we are able to see the wrongs better.

  10. Zanderlilly Says:

    1. Good new pic.
    2. Even though we have opposing political views, I still love your blog.
    3. Good lists of 7.
    4. I’m so jealous of you and your wife’s trip to Vegas.
    5. Take Care!

  11. Edge Says:

    Hoagie: I agree. I think we’ve become more moralistic, but also lost a lot of common sense. We’re too sensative there’s too much emphasis on how we “feel” and if thngs are “fair”. Last time I checked life wasn’t “fair”.

    Zanderlilly: Wow! It’s been a while. Glad to hear that you are employed again and things are financially better.


  12. Amber Says:

    This was a good post, Jef. I agree with you as far as people being prejudiced. I know that the white race has oppressed other races in the past and despite many changes, it still happens. However, I think people use that as an excuse. An issue that has absolutely nothing to do with race is suddenly turned into a race issue, and it’s ridiculous. I’m sorry, but what New Orleans needs right now are people who are willing to WORK. And those people are the Mexican workers — the rest of the population are busy complaining. They didn’t get enough aid, they din’t get it fast enough and now people are stealing their jobs. Bull. I feel horrible for the things that people lost in the devastation, but the people who are so ungrateful and hateful and whiny are pathetic. They give everyone a bad name.

    I could seriously go on about this forever. And not because it’s a race issue and I’m racist — it isn’t and I’m not. I’m an equal opportunity slammer when it comes to people complaining about stupid crap.

  13. It's My Life Says:

    I actually just posted a small section on racism and bigotry. Yes, I know it still exisists but I am shocked at the hatred that some people feel…amazing isn’t it?

  14. Jenn Says:

    It seems like racism is getting worse by the day. Maybe it’s because I find out more now that I’m into blogs, but it seems like it’s just really bad these days. I just did a wanna-be post on the New Orleans topic.

    Anyhow, I don’t have much to say because I agree with you 150% and then some.

    Great post by a great guy with a great outlook on life.

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