Spreading the blog love one URL at a time

First, I’m sorry my cool template is not quite working. Where I host it from is having issues. Should be working soon.

I’m stressed today. I didn’t take my nerve pill this morning – I usually take it Wednesday night, which doesn’t help, but I’m stressed for other reasons.

I can tell I’m stress because when I looked at this picture of Stacy Keibler from Newstoob. All I could think about was the Keebler Elves. ( with some 70’s pr0n music thrown in )

I can also tell I’m stressed because I’m eating my breakfast comfort food of a Whataburger with onion rings and scrambled eggs.

It seems my wife is in mediation with "the one of whom we do not speak" today at 10:45 AM. He called for it to try to get out of paying child support – forever. And then he told her she didn’t need to go and lied about everything. So we had to throw a bunch of paperwork together last night to prove he’s been delinquent a lot. Fortunately, he has to prove he has been paying. I don’t think he could tell himself the truth, honestly – no pun intended.

But yesterday M and I had to go to the doctor for her sinus infection. She’s working on week three ( and welcome to week three ) of this thing. They x-rayed her skull with the x-ray skull gun and found her lower sinus cavities were filled. So the antibiotics were just doing this whole hit and run thing. I had to teach her how to wash her nose out yesterday. She didn’t like it too much.

We had a good lunch at Chick – a – Lay as little a likes to call it. We talked about a lot of stuff. She’s stressed about try outs for cheerleader – Phats I totally wish you were here to coach her right now.

And we talked about her boyfriend the "monolithic-tripod"  MT. And we talked about sex and how she was too young for that even though she wanted to have sex. We discussed his 7.5 inch appendage ( no joke 7.5 inches ) and I told her that was WAY abnormal ( and asked how she knew it was that long which she totally stumbled into that trap ). Like circus freak abnormal.  She had NO idea what average was. I told her if he ever mistreated her she needed to post the picture he sent to her of him naked on the web with his name and phone number and address. ( this link is ABSOLUTELY NOT work safe )

I told her that I would respect MT more if he respected her and me more. Like he treated her well and didn’t try to have sex with her IN MY HOUSE! She made that face where you look away and pull the corner of your mouth down.

All in all it was good to spend time with her and take care of her and try to have a relationship with her.

But today, in the words of Sean Connery in "Hunt For Red October" (and I know all you frau’s loves you some Sean Connery):

Once more, we play our dangerous game, a game of chess against our old adversary – [the one of whom we do not speak]. For [6] years, your fathers before you and your older brothers played this game and played it well. But today the game is different. We have the advantage.

11 Responses to “Spreading the blog love one URL at a time”

  1. mielikki Says:

    sounds like you and M had an important day with each other. My fingers are crossed for all the other stuff.
    breathe in, breathe out. Rinse, lather, and repeat

  2. J. Hi Says:

    Your a good parent–discussing the sex and stuff so openly. All my mom ever said to me was “Wait ’til your married!” I am sending my serenity vibes your way with the other stuff.
    My son is prone to sinus infections and doing a daily nasal rinse has helped a great deal.

  3. Sunshine Says:

    I didn’t know how big anybody’s dick was until my hubby (though a guy in college was known as Sequoia Dick because he was porn star huge) hopefully she will continue having these open conversations with you so you know stuff.


  4. terri Says:

    Your breakfast sounds yummy. I’m hungry. I want one.

    Very cool that you could have the conversation you did with little a. That’s a tough one many parents would run from and simply hope for the best.

  5. Edge Says:

    Mielikki: Ya I hate this stuff. He just doesn’t learn. It ends up costing us both money in the long run.

    J. Hi: You were lucky my mom and dad didn’t acknowledge sex existed. I had to learn from pr0n. Not the best teacher but a good one for technique.

    Ya, M admitted it helped but she didn’t like it. I didn’t at first but I’m amazed it works the way it does.

    Sunshine: Ya, I’m glad we talked about it. I think she understand me more. It meant a lot for her to hear I didn’t hate her boyfriend, but that I wanted him to treat her better. I even said she should see what other guys are like so she can see that his family is a little crazy. My wife is the one that usually has those conversations.

    Terri: Well, I had it with M who is 15. Little a is 4. I don’t think she needs to know about penis length just yet … or ever … ever. But I get what you are saying. It was the first time we talked without being at each other’s throats. I’ll be the one to walk her down the aisle so it was good we talked.


  6. BeckEye Says:

    I love Chick-a-Lay! They don’t have them around here. I can never get those awesome nuggets until I go back to Pittsburgh to visit.

  7. Edge Says:

    Beckeye: Ya, I’m eating there AGAIN tonight. Little a wants Chick – a -la y tonight. I like the sandwich myself and the fries. But today I might have chicken salad since I’ve been there every day this week.


  8. Groovy Mom Says:

    That pr0n music is hilarious. I’m thinking I’ll download it and play it next time my husband and I have a “date” night. He’ll get a kick out of that.

    I’m telling you the internet has changed everything. Even the way we get revenge on slimy ex’s. Thank God I’m not dating in this day and age.

  9. Tink Says:

    I’m amazed both of you were comfortable enough to have that kind of conversation. I was mortified to watch “From Dusk Til Dawn” with my Dad.

  10. Edge Says:

    Groovy: It has changed things. Lord I would not survive with this blog and dating. You can cook up some good internet tricks these days if you have a while to think it up.

    Tink: Ya know, it wasn’t as hard as I thought. We’re pretty good about being age appropriate and M is a little ahead of the maturity curve. Just a little. My parents. NOOOOOO way we’re having that conversation. It’s a different time. But we want her to be comfortable telling us stuff too. Most people eventually have sex so dispell all the Cosmo myths while you can.


  11. Maggie Says:

    you know, it’s also impressive (no not the 7.5 incher) that she is being open with you. teenagers are tricky that way and having open communication is such a key to being there for them, but you have to lay good groundwork for that I think. sounds like you have.

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