Archive for August, 2005

Just How Close To Home Is It?

August 31, 2005

My niece married into the military. My new nephew is stationed in Pascagoula, Mississippi. I understand his base has been wiped out. They are in Jacksonville, FL with his brother also in the military. My niece lost her blanket. Only those in the thumb and blankie fraternity will get that sinking feeling when they hear that. Anyone know where he needs to report in?

Woobie 2 has kids in the Gufport, Mississippi area. Last news was they were camping in Florida and ok. They lived in a trailer house. I’m sure it’s no more.

I spent a MArdi Gras in the French Quarter with my friend Jack Clement IV when I was 15. We walked up and down Canal street. His family lives in Metairie, LA. I’ve been meaning to re-connect with him soon. I’ve had his number since January. I haven’t called. My guess is that it will be a while before I can reach him or his family. This is Canal Street – armed and dangerous.

Picture Courtesy of the Dallas Morning News Posted by Picasa

The Last Fertility Post

August 31, 2005

As Kramer said, “I’m out,” slapping the bills on the counter at Jerry Seinfeld’s apartment. Or maybe you remember Token from South Park’s episode of “The Return of the Lord of the Rings to the Two Towers”. His words were, “I’m done.”

That’s me. I’m done. A few months ago, A and I made an executive decision; a decision that affects the space-time continuum.

No more children.

Nurse Betty called yesterday and said, “I’ve got good news, no more sperm!” I guess you could say I’m free to roam about the country!

In my younger, more idealistic days, I always dreamed of being a partner in a law firm with a wife that wore those little knit cardigan sweaters and paisley print skirts and brown leather shoes. We lived in a nice house and I was a sports contract attorney. Two kids, one dog, one wife. Nuclear nirvana.

As such, reality changed all those childish fantasies. I have 2 step kids, 1 daughter and 2 dogs and one wife – thank God I only have one wife! I got more than I bargained for on all fronts.

A asked me yesterday how I felt about not having any kids. To me that meant, “Are you sure about this, ’cause I’ll do more?” My response has stayed the same. I can’t afford more kids, and if God really wants me to have more, there is nothing I can do to stop it. No knife, hormone or prophylactic can stop God’s plans.

But that question made the little flash-back feature film go nuts in my mind. A We Didn’t Start the Fire by Billy Joel kind of film. The whole of my life encapsulated in the blink of time ending in the thought of my daughter’s blue eyes.

The resulting conclusion is this:

No more offspring bearing my last name.

And that is as it should be. I have, since about 1990, wanted my family name to end. The birth of a girl was fortunate to me. A son would have been just as fortunate, but meant the name would continue. My family name is very proud. Signers of the Declaration of Independence, decorated war heroes success stories here and there, but I wanted it to end. My dad sullied the name pretty good. It was time to stop it and move on.

A has said on numerous occasions that she would have had another if I had asked. My response at times is, “Whose baby are you going to have?” But most of the time its, “Ya, I know you would, but we have enough and I can’t give them the quality I want as it is. We better stop if we like to eat.”

I can’t split my time up any more than I am either. Got home last night and let little a make me something in her little tykes kitchen. Then I helped M with her homework. Actually, I ended up doing it with her. Little a went to bed and that was all the time there was. I rubbed my wife’s back until she fell asleep and drifted off to dream myself. And like Nicholas Cage’s character, H.I. from Raising Arizona, I thought of many things. And I dreamt of a beautiful place for my kids and this quote came to mind:

“If not Arizona, then a land not too far away. Where all parents are strong and wise and capable. And all children are happy and beloved. I don’t know. Maybe it was Utah.”

What’s A Steak Finger?

August 30, 2005

No this isn’t about Wendy’s Chili. If you yankees aren’t familiar with a steak finger you haven’t lived. Once again the south triumphs with grease, breading and highly marbled cow flesh about 3 inches by 1 inch. A steak finger is a piece of round steak, tenderized by beating, dipped in batter and deep fried to perfection. Served with gravy and mashed potatoes (curse you Dan Quail! I’ll never be confident of my potato spelling.) it’s wonderful.

My dad, long before his exodus with the step-witch, served a mean steak finger. Why so mean? His batter was outrageously good. Make a normal egg and flour batter. That means you whip an egg with a little milk. Dip the meat in the flour – seasoned with salt and pepper – and then dip in the egg. Ahhh! Here’s the secret. Dip one time only in corn meal.

Deep fry or pan fry until tasty.

So what brought this on?

Read this:

Have a good day.

The Latest

August 29, 2005

I’ve been busy lately with work. The latest is that little a and I are both sick with a “viral cold”. I think it’s just the Dr.’s way of not prescribing anti-biotics. As such, we have both been in a lot of throat and ear pain with little more than, “Buy something over the counter and gargle.” My great-nephew in Mississippi is in the hospital with this stuff. So it’s not something to be triffled with.

Today little a went back to school. She was very happy to get out of the house. As was I. We get cabin fever way too easily.

H and I shot his rocket off at the nearby high school. It went a long way. All the way over to the elementary school. We had to stop because the launcher ran out of batteries. Tonight we’re going to baseball practice. The field he will play at this fall is really nice. Grass infield and everything.

New neighbor next door! Very happy. He’s normal. His first greeting was, “I’ll do what I can to fix the yard.” That went a long way. Unfortunately, he asked what the neighborhood was like. He asked specifically about crime and the HOA. Two subjects that aren’t cheery. I told the truth. I’m sure they will be good neighbors, if they sign the papers.

Been working on my relationship blog. I want to get it loaded and ready so that when you come over and see it, everything will look nice and neat and there won’t be only one article. Finally found my relationship pyramid thing that I will explain later.

Just finished a book by S. Truett Cathy, founder of Chick-Fil-A. It’s entitledIt’s Better To Build Boys Than Mend Men. Good book. Only $5 at your local Chick-Fil-A. I plan to give it to TFM for his reading pleasure soon.

Hope you and yours are well. Thought I would throw this in for entertainment value. Ripped and modified from Amstaff Mom.

4 things I plan to do before I die

1. Travel to Europe
2. See the Manon Bell Game
3. Ride a motorcycle
4. Take my wife to see a broadway show

4 things I can do

1. Cook
2. Play 2 musical instruments
3. Paint
4. Adjust electronics

4 things I cannot do

1. Manage money
2. Tan
3. Run fast
4. Eat flavored cream cheese

4 things that attract me to A

1. Her hot body!
2. Her grounding effect on me
3. Her sense of right and wrong
4. Her parenting skills

4 things that I say most
1. Well …
2. God Bless America!
3. There you have it
4. Mmm Hmmm

4 celebrity crushes
1. Rene Zellweger
2. Sara Evans ( Her stock is rising number 2! )
3. Jennifer Aniston
4. Kate Winslet ( Dude, I had to dig for her and scrounge up a People magazine.)

4 songs I love right now
1. Fall Out Boy – Sugar We’re Going Down
2. Simple Plan – Addicted
3. Fountains of Wayne – Mexican Wine
4. Sara Evans – A Real Fine Place To Start

What’s New In The World Of Blogging?

August 23, 2005

You may have noticed my lack of consistent posting lately. This is partly due to increased workload and partly due to another effort I am trying to make.

Last week I visited the writing center at Big School and I made a few decisions. First is that I am going to try and post less, but give you a better quality post each time.

The second is a venture I hope will turn into a book. You see, it may surprise you, but my life work is not about computers but mostly about relationships – but don’t tell my boss. I have no intention of quiting my day job. But, I love studying, reading and investigating relationships. As such I am going to start a new blog dedicated to just that: relationship talk.

My goal in life is this, if the divorce rate is 50% – and growing I might add – then that means 2 of every 4 couples will get divorced. If I can give just one of those 2 couples the skills and tools they need, then I can cut the divorce rate in half of all the people I get to talk to.

I think you might like what you hear if you just give me a chance. More to come soon.


"867-5309"A Happy Ending

August 22, 2005

(Irish Washer Woman Ring Tone Goes Off)


“Ya, I noticed Trina had an opening on her website for an appointment this afternoon. Is it still available?”

“Mmmm, who are you trying to reach?”

“Uhh … Trina.”

“Hmm, Trina isn’t at this number. I work for Big School and she doesn’t have this number anymore.”

“Mmmm, ok, bye.”

Later the same day…

“Ya, you called a little while ago looking for Trina.”


“What was that website? I want to see if Trina will change her phone number on the site.”

“I don’t know anything about a website.”

“But you said you saw an opening on the website. What was the website?”

“I don’t know anything about a website.”

“All right. Bye”

I think it’s safe to assume that “Trina” is a massage therapist who gives happy endings. “Jim” the previous owner of my cell phone number is/was the proud owner of Dallas Cowboy and the University of Nebraska Cornhusker season tickets. Not any more and I had something to do with that. Maybe he and “Trina” should get together and let people know they changed their cell phone numbers.

If any of you are in Florida or near the 954 area code and can search for phone numbers let me know. I would like to track down a few of these people and see where this stuff is coming from.

Updates and The Friday Quiz

August 19, 2005

Here’s an update on Bruiser’s shiner. You can really see it well when her eye is closed. The swelling is down. Unfortunately, my genetics will keep that bruise around for a while. My side bruises easily and often.

We’ve been having such a good time on the way to school singing “Wheels On The Bus”. Her favorite parts are the horn “beep, beep, beep” and the driver “move on back”.

I’ve run out of bus parts so I have to make up other things. Here are some samples:

Clinton on the bus says,
“Where’s the girls?”
“Where’s the girls?”
“Where’s the girls?”

Bin Laden on the bus says,

Tom Cruise on the bus says,
“I’m a nut!”
“I’m a nut!”
“I’m a nut!”

So that’s been fun …

Best quote of the week comes from George Dunham at 1310 AM KTCK in regard to parents not disciplining their kids for trouble the kids get into at school.

“Parents should start being parents and stop being defense attorney’s for their kids.”

Friday quiz time!!!!!

Here’s the deal. Andy can’t play this week. Every one else is eligible. Send an email to this address with your answer. The question/contest is:

What’s the dollar amount and item of the last thing you purchased? You may get extra points if the item is kind of crazy.

Lowest dollar amount wins. Contest ends Monday August 22 at 12:00 PM Central.

Good Luck!

Tag Post

August 18, 2005

Lee Ann tagged me on this one.

List five songs that you are currently digging :

1. 1985 – Bowling For Soup
2. Ohio (Come Back To Texas) – Bowling For Soup
3. Baby Girl – Sugarland
4. Not As Good As I Once Was – Toby Keith
5. Big Time – Big and Rich

Alecia with and E, AI, Steve, Fred and that funny dude at The Everglades, you know the one with the PHD in phlatulen-scientology are officially tagged.

We Have A Winner

August 18, 2005

Thanks everyone for their entries in last week’s writing quiz.

Andy of Artificially Intelligent won. He will get his nickel this weekend over hot wings! His picture will be posted in the Thunderheads gallery with his winning nickel soon.

Where were you 12/31/1999?

Winning Response:

Like most people, I was hunkered down in a bomb shelter waiting for the inevitable millennium

Fraught with anxiety and a bad case of hives, the coarseness of the camo fatigues was driving me crazy. As I sat on the bench, clutching my Pirelli automatic shotgun, I began to count the cans of Vienna sausages, just passing the time until the end of the world.

I lost count once I got to… oh about 7, and had to start over. But before I got back to that point again, I dozed off didn’t wake up until Monday morning which was Jan. 3rd.

Apparently the triple dose of Benadryl I took to ward off the effects of the biological weapons was a bit… excessive.



People really do win!

Odds And Ends

August 18, 2005

You will notice my daughter has a nicer shiner on her left eye. Little a got in a scuffle with the stool beside her bed last night. Shortly after, we discussed that if she is going to run to her room, it might be a good idea to run to her soft mini-pink-gingham chair instead of the hard wooden stool.

No calls to CPS please, SIL is a former agent and we have our bases covered.

Last two days have been very hectic. We have been trying to patch about 300 PC’s around campus infected with some worm. Ya, they are pressing web guys and developers to get this done. Although not that interesting a task, I did meet the asst. women’s basketball coach yesterday and I’m slated to meet the head men’s coach today.

Athletics is a very interesting section of a college’s campus. It’s a whole different world. And believe it or not, they wear suits and ties most of the time. I guess Bike coach shorts went out with the 80’s.

Tomorrow we’ll have a new quiz. I’m really looking forward to them. Lots of good teacher stories from A this year. She has the best behaved class ever but, well, the intellectual level is not the highest it’s ever been. But the stories are always interesting.