Archive for November, 2005


November 30, 2005

My hippie is coming out. I’ll try not to let him out too long. I like trees but I don’t want to hug them. The song Bells of Christmas is an old tune actually a poem penned by H.W. Longfellow in 1864. It has been covered, like many songs, by lots of people, even Burle Ives. This arrangement struck me on my way to San Angelo, Texas to see my grandmother for the last time. It was a dark time for me and this song brought tears to my eyes, but is an outstanding little-known song of hope for the Christmas season.


“Historical Note: This hymn was written during the American civil war, as reflected by the sense of despair in the next to last stanza. Stanzas 4-5 speak of the battle, and are usually omitted from hymnals:

Then from each black, accursed mouth
The cannon thundered in the South,
And with the sound the carols drowned
Of peace on earth, good will to men.

It was as if an earthquake rent
The hearth-stones of a continent,
And made forlorn, the households born
Of peace on earth, good will to men.


Pumpkin Pie Recipe

November 29, 2005

I thought I would post the pumpkin pie receipe that came from my mom along with the ginger snap crust recipe.

Pumpkin Pie – By my mom

2 C pumpkin
2 eggs beaten
3/4 C sugar
1/4-1/2 t salt
1 t cinnamon
1/t allspice
1/4 nutmeg
1/8 t ginger
1/2 t cloves (optional)
1 can evaporated milk (unsweetened)

Preparing the Pumpkin

Gut the pumpkin of seeds and “strings”. Slice the pumkin in wedges. Steam the pumpkin in a steamer for 10-15 minutes. Let cool. Remove skin from pumpkin. Blend the pumpkin in a blender until smooth or liquidy.

Mix all ingredients starting with pumpkin, eggs, milk and spices. Pour in 11″ pie shell. Bake 15 minutes at 425 degrees then bake 35 minutes at 350 degrees. Cool and refridgerate.

Ginger Snap Crust – From Some Cookbook

1/2 C butter
1 1/4 C finely crushed ginger snap cookies

Melt butter and stir in crushed ginger snaps. Spread evenly into 11″ pie pan. Bake in 375 degree oven for 4-5 minutes and let cool before adding pie filling.

K – this is turning into a chick blog. I should rename it “The View”. I’ll have to start posting sports scores and bikini’s of the day.

Number 2

November 29, 2005

Sleigh Ride – Arthur Fiedler


“Conductor of the Boston Pops Orchestra for 50 years (1930–79), Fiedler was a beloved showman of America’s classical music business. Trained as a violinist, his ambition was to be a conductor. In 1929 he launched the Esplanade summer series, free concerts by the Boston Pops along the Charles River. His repertoire included popular songs, show tunes, and classical music and his recordings sold millions. He was awarded the Medal of Freedom in 1977. He died in Brookline, Massachusetts following surgery.”

The most surprising thing about this song is that everyone knows it, but no one knows it. It’s a staple of most high school bands for the Christmas concert because it’s easy and it’s interesting. It brings back fond memories of my days as a child during Christmas. Arthur Fiedler’s arrangement brings great joy to me this time of year.


The Top 5

November 28, 2005

I’m trying out Castpost. I like it so far. Look for some video of little a soon.

So for the next few days I’ll post the top 5 Christmas songs of all time – according to me – and it won’t include Grandma Got Run Over By A Reindeer.

#1 of all time is Vince Guaraldi’s O Tannenbaum. Enjoy.

The man on the right is the genius behind the song as well as the Peanut’s theme – Linus and Lucy – we all know and love.

For more on Guaraldi go here.

And Oh Ya, Happy Turkey Day

November 24, 2005

I just finished off my pumpkin pie I made last night. I did a ginger snap crust.

So …

I wathced the Wizard of Oz the other night on the Ted network. I hadn’t seen it in years. As a kid the wicked witch totally terrified me. I can remember only a couple of nightmares in my life and the Wicked Witch starred in one of them.

Watching the digitally remastered version was quite nice. I found myself glued to the TV and only when Ted’s network took it’s normal 15 minute break I would dash around the house to do my chores.

I wish they would make a remake of the Wizard of Oz. Not like “The Wiz” when Michael Jackson was still a black man. We need a real remake of this movie. I already have my cast in line.

The Scarecrow – Harry Connick Jr.

Did you know Connick did a remake of “If I Only Had A Brain”? It was on his album “20” if you want to look it up. I think he’s a good choice. He’s believeable because not a lot of people believe anyone from Louisiana is smart.

The Tin Man -John Cusak

What a great cast for the Tin Man. His nueroces is legendary. He gets my vote.

The Cowardly Lion – Jack Black

I just want to see him in the suit before fat-comedian-syndrome kicks in and he joins the ranks of Chris Farley, John Candy and John Belushi.

The Wizard – Billy Bob Thornton or Mike Myers

He should play The Wizard as Carl from “Sling Blade”. “Mmmm hmmm, you can’t get back to Kansas with no musterd on yer shoes … mmmm hmmmm.”

Mike has the whole “Silence!!!” thing down from Austin Powers. That’s a tough one.

Glenda The Good Witch of the North – Faith Hill

I just want to see Faith in a movie. Her husband was in Friday Night Lights. Faith needs to take her shirt off just to prove her husband isn’t the only one in the family that can take his shirt off in a movie.

The Wicked Witch Of The West – Michael Jackson or Cher

It’s a tie. Both are women, both have annoying voices. Maybe Michael because he can tell Dorthy to beat it.

Dorothy – Reese Witherspoon

Blonde or brunette, she’s hot and she can sing.

Your Questions Answered

November 21, 2005

Thanks everyone for playing. This was a lot of fun. So without further adieu …

Heather asked …

1.) What is the hardest you have ever cried and why?

I can remember 3 times I have cried and they all finish in a tie.

After my parents split up I was 18 and had a huge weight to keep things going at home alone with my mom. My sisters were of no help. I remember being in my friends house in their bathroom waiting for them to get ready to go and I lost it. It was uncontrollable. It was so bad a friend took me to see his dad who was a psychiatrist. It helped calm me down, but it was just my breaking point. I had no idea why I was crying or anything else. It just all started and didn’t stop for awhile.

Time two was when I broke up with a girl. Man I REALLY liked her and it just wasn’t mutual and it hurt a lot.

The third time was right after I got married. My grandmother, Nana, died. I had held it together for a while, but my wife and I were in the kitchen and it all hit me. It lasted about 5 minutes and then it was over. I realized I would never see or hear my Nana again. Still brings a tear to my eyes

2.) What is one good thing you learned from your father?

How not to be a father. Whenever I have a parenting issue, I think what he would do and then do the opposite. I talk to my kids as much as they will let me and I try to fill them in on how the world works. How much of it they retain is still up for grabs.

3.) What’s the best practical joke you ever pulled or had pulled on you?

The best one I played was on my wife. When we first got married I took my step-daughter’s Barbies ( ya, two of them ) and posed them in a sexual position with a G.I. Joe from my step-son and left a note saying, “We should try this tonight.”

K played a good one on me in college. He bought a playboy, Southwest Conference College Edition ( that should date me ), and signed the names of the girls from his university. I totally bought into it that he knew these girls and they autographed it for him.

Lee Ann asked …

1. Have you ever intentionally hurt someone to gain something for yourself?

Who hasn’t? Ok, maybe not everyone. Ya, I have. After my ex-fiance cheated on me and told me we broke up but we kept dating to try and see if we could work it out. I had a little one-night thing with another woman and that was the night before I had a little thing with the ex. I think I told the unknown woman I was single to get her in bed.

2. Have you ever done anything silly when you thought no one was watching, but you get caught ~ if yes, what?

That happens all the time. I have no shame. I can remember a time in 9th grade I danced to “Dancing With Myself” all by … myself.

3. Have you ever swam naked?

Yep! Very uninhibiting!

Emily asked …

1. What is your most embarrassing moment?

Hmmmm … pants falling down in a parade. See this post – Bark At The Moon.

2. What characteristic do you love the most about your wife?

There are a lot to list and love.

– Her strength
– Her committment and faith in God
– Raising 2, now 3 kids like a champ
– Keeping our house a really great home
– Keeping me in line
– Her committment to her health and figure (her hot bod!)
– Her incredible laugh I only hear 3-4 times a year

3. After some of these questions do you still “like the concept”?


BeckEye asked …

1. Do you get annoyed if people spell your name with two “f”s?

Absolutely not. My last name is horrendous to spell. Right after we got married my wife’s school spelled her new last name wrong in the yearbook. My response was, “Welcome to the family.” My grandfather didn’t spell his name the same way the rest of us do. I know who I am despite how people spell my name.

2. Do you sing in the shower?


3. Beatles or Rolling Stones?

When I’m a good boy Beatles, but when I feel a little naughty I’m a “Paint it Black”, “Hey You, Get Off Of My Cloud,” “Mother’s Little Helper,” “Jumpin’s Jack Flash,” et. al. fan. A is a big Stones Fan. I’m a huge Beatles fan. I sing “All My Lovin'” sometimes to little a before she goes to sleep. You know, “Close your eyes and I’ll kiss you, tomorrow I’ll miss you.” I think “in music” sometimes with lyrics becoming part of my thoughts – a totally different post about my mind.

Jenn asked …

Wow, these ladies before me are good! I bet you’re thinking “what’d I get myself into.”

1. What kind of music do you listen to?

These ladies are good aren’t they?

Narrowing this down is like condensing the Library of Congress. It’s easier to say what I don’t like.


Rap isn’t music it’s autioneering with a beat.

I love Jazz (Bill Charlap, Harry Connick Jr., Charlie Parker, be-bop jazz)
Swing and Big Band – a totally lost art
Some country – it’s a lot of soft rock these days
Beatles, Stones
80’s hair bands.

2. Are you afraid to die?

Absolutely not. I know what will happen to me.

I am afraid of dying alone. Like old and alone not accidental death and dismemberment alone.

I read about a lot of people who die these horrid deaths – sat on by elephant, shot accidetally and bleeding to death, or even anything worse. It’s frightening. Would you want to know you were going to die by falling from a ferris wheel?

You sit there with God at the end and say, “That’s it? You took me out in a clown car accident?” You know, I’m glad I don’t know how I’m going to die. If I had my druthers it would be to go quietly in my sleep. Who doesn’t? Barring that, I want to go out with those I love around me.

I did get a glimpse into what it will sound like though. One afternoon I was putting my daughter down for a nap and she screamed, “DADDDDDDDDDDY!” And it hit me that’s what she would sound like when I pass. It was a chiller.

I fear being alone when I die with no one around to wish me good-bye or say good-bye to.

3. What’s your favorite color! =D

Cobalt Blue. My grandmother had a little cobalt blue pitcher in her china cabinet and it’s still one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen.

K asked …

1. If you could have a direct conversation (two way) with God, what would be your topic of conversation?

During the introductions I want to get straight if I’m in the Lamb’s Book of Life, otherwise I need to take care of some business first. Second, I want to discuss dinasaurs, who really shot Kennedy and aliens. We would move on to a request to see my relatives all the way back quite a way. I think it would be very interesting to see and hear these people. We’d finish up with a coach’s clicker of choices I’ve made and the choice I should have made and see what the results could have been.

2. What do you see as your single-most important legacy?

Love. Sounds cheesy doesn’t it? I want people to see love through how I taught my daughter things and how I loved. Ya know that’s hard to say because there are a lot of people who will pull out a book of my crap and say, “Ya, but you did this and that.” I don’t deny that. But I want people to look at how my daughter and wife cry at my funeral and see I was someone that had the capacity to make a life or two somewhat better and that vehicle is love. Love covers a multitude of sin.

3. For an unlimited supply of money, would you have an irreversible sex change?

Nope. I would always know I was a man. Not worth it.

~*Stephanie*~ asked …

WOW I have always wanted to play this but, I am so scared

1~ Have you ever been busted looking at porn? If so what was the out come?

Yes, and not good. But also yes and indifferent.

Porn is very powerful and is an interesting subject in itself to me. I think I posed about it here a while ago.

Some people really struggle with this and it’s a hard addiction to break. Imagine yourself an addict and drive down the street counting the billboards with seductive women or sexual inuendos on them or listen to the radio or tv ads with the same sexaul message. It’s difficult to fight that and be a man these days.

2~ Do you pay attention to what kinda hair style/ cut your wife has?

Absolutely, and I read that on your site about your husband didn’t notice. Such a shame. My wife asks me a lot about what she thinks of her hair. I’m fortunate that she keeps a classic style and only varies the color between high-lights and original color. I like her hair a lot. It’s soft and dark.

3~ What is your biggest regret?

A series of mistakes I made in my early twenties.

Saurkraut asked …

OK, I’ll play too. You’re going to end up with so many questions, it will take a month of answers!

1. What one thing really annoys you about your wife that you’ve never shared with her? Or, what negative observation have you had about her that you’ve never disclosed?

Now this is a dilema isn’t it? I weigh my answer with all the good things she does for me and with me and how does my petty answer compare …

in all honesty it’s how little she jokes and kids.

I really think she spent so long having to live under a jack-booted-thug that laughing and kidding were a luxury she gave up. As such, I’m the “laughing card” in her life. If I can make her laugh, then I have brought a necessity back to her life.

2. What constitutes cheating?

For a man? Hmmm, I think you’ll get different answers. Women will probably say even talking a lot or having feelings for someone could be cheating. By the book, you have to say physical contact that is inappropriate.

3. Have you ever cheated on anyone?

Yes, see above.

I ask these because I’ve so often wondered what the men in my life have thought…

I think this is a personal, moral decision more than male or female question. I’ve dated women who have had sex with other guys while we were dating and didn’t think it was cheating. I’ve dated women who think if I ever spoke to another woman it was cheating. I don’t believe in a “personal standard” because a “moving standard” is no standard at all. There has to be one standard for it to be consistent. And it goes to your heart. If you cheat in your heart it’s cheating.

Fred asked …

Only two:

1. What one decision do you regret making?

Not investing early in life and using credit too. I’ve worked out of the credit, but the investing has passed me by.

Career wise, not joining the Secret Service when I had the chance. Can you imagine the stories you could tell?

2. What path in life did you take, then wonder years later if it was the right choice?

(Looking at the two, one answer might work for both questions.)

When I was 17 my parents took me to a research center that studies aptitudes. It was next door to Dr. Phil believe it or not and it was way before Phil McGraw was Dr. Phil. They tested me for what I would be mosted suited for in a career. They told me I could be a brain surgeon or a lawyer. I’ve always wondered if I missed the boat not being some kind of surgeon. Even a plastic surgeon. I love the concept of Doctors Without Borders and I like science and helping people. Maybe geneticist.

I wonder what life would have been like.

td3k asked …

1. Would you rather support a welfare system that truly helps the needy but also helps the lazy; or would you rather shut down the welfare system to cut out the lazy but also cut out the needy?

This is a really good question. It’s forcing me to choose between all or none. My answer is liberal for a Republican. I support a system that helps those that help themselves.

I’ll elaborate. A year ago I left my job. I had one month of pay and a lot of highly technical skills and 0 prospects. I applied for some form of welfare but didn’t get it. I’m glad I didn’t.

What I learned was that those who want to get out of their situation do. Those who don’t, won’t. Social welfare is a concept that has gotten madly out of control. It should have ended after World War II. It was never intended to support society or segments of society. I like the concept of a “forced savings” or a social welfare for the elderly and those below the poverty line.

2. Do you ever question your faith and what you believe, or do you just accept it without question?

If I didn’t question my faith then I would never know the truth. There are some things that I know I have to accept at face value – don’t lie, don’t murder, don’t steal, your basic 10 commandments stuff. But there is always something that falls in the cracks or in the gray area. Those are the areas I have to question my faith and stretch it out and search scripture to find the truth. Jesus said, “The truth will set you free.” And it does.

3. If you were to become financially destitute and homeless for reasons beyond your control, would you change your political viewpoints and your expectations of the government?

Probably not. I don’t believe the govenment needs to make poor people rich. There are TONS of programs out there to help people get out of poverty and better their lives. But each of them can become an addiction in themselves. A lot fo millionaires are people who were destitute at some point in time and had nothing and made something. There is so much of wealth that is personal choice. Hard work and effort do not guarantee success, but they help open the doors to success. There was a scripture I heard in a sermon a couple of years ago that really stuck and I don’t know if I can find it today, but it basically said (paraphrased) “Wealth comes from hard work and patience.” It was in Proverbs I think.

For example, the crack dealer in South Dallas can make tons of money selling crack and live in poverty. He could just as easily take that money convert it into investments, educate himself and start a legitimate business and make more money and turn around and help his neighborhood. But he doesn’t.

Or the topless dancer that makes 6 figures a year. She could do the same thing and convert that money into a business helping retiring dancers find jobs after their careers are over. But does she?

The ethical dilema for every web administrator is the lure of easy money hosting porn. Did you know it’s possible to make $30K a month with one of these sites? But the guilt of doing it would kill me.

So much of our financial decisions are personal. The governement is not in business to support people financially, there’s too much risk that interdepence will happen.

hulabelly asked …

Super funfun!! okay!

1. Do you hear your own voice in your thoughts or someone elses?

I hear my own. Imagine an old radio with a dial and you turn the dial and hear the stations as they pass by. That’s what the inside of my head sounds like. I also have thoughts go by so fast I can’t express them in words fast enough. Starting to get interesting, huh? And they don’t stop. It’s a wonder I sleep at night. I wish I could hear other’s thoughts. THAT would be interesting!

2. what is the greatest number of times you’ve used a cereal bowl before washing it?

Probably 3 times in one sitting. Then I would just rinse it out in the sink. You can only eat so much cereal at a sitting.

3. Do you have any Oreos and if so, can I have some?

No, I don’t like Oreos. They are too bitter and I’m too lazy to go to all that work for one lick of creme filling that tastes like sugared up Crisco. Sorry, Nutter Butters … that’s a different story! If you like I’ll send you a package of Oreos. If you are nice, I just might!

Anonymous asked …

Small, Medium or Large?

Anonymous … super size

Jen asked …

1) When is the last time you told a lie?

If you have younger kids you lie a lot or rather stretch things. I think one of the last times she wanted to get a drink from the gas station. I told her we already had a drink and we would get one another time.

2) What is the one secret thing you have the most guilt over?

A job related indiscretion. I carry it to this day and it’s painful.

3) When your wife commented she wasnt happy with some of the changes in her body, but said she would rather spend the money on a family vacation…Why didnt you insist she put herself first for a change?

I didn’t insist because I know my wife and that’s what she meant. If she had hinted she really wanted to look into something or the stories became more frequent, then I would have pursued it. But knowing her I know that she isn’t about image or spending money on stuff that could be used for other things. Given the choice of plastic surgery or a trip to New York to see a Broadway show, she’ll choose NY every time. And if Momma ain’t happy, ain’t no one happy.

Pieces of Me asked …

1. Do you like living in Texas? If not where would you like to live

It’s the only state I’ve ever lived in so I know nothing different. And I LOVE it. Especially the western part of the state.

I have visited many states and I do like Texas the best. If I couldn’t live in Texas I would probably like to live in Tennessee or Georgia. They are a lot like Texas from what I have seen and I can’t move too far up north and I don’t want to move closer to the coast – too hot. California wouldn’t be so bad if it wasn’t so expensive and liberal.

2. Do you think you are a flirt?

Ya, and I’ve been told that a lot mostly from my wife. However, I don’t see my interest in other people as flirting, but not everyone takes it that way. I’m much more reserved with people since I met and married my wife. I still like a good honest conversation, but I’m much more aware of who I talk to and what I say. Some people call it flirting, some people call it being friendly. You decide.

3. Is your real name Jefrey?? Or something like that?

My “real” first name is Jeffrey – two “f’s”.

I’ll tell the story since there seems to be some interest. My sophmore year in high school I got very frustrated not being able to make 2 “f’s” that looked alike when I wrote my name. So I just erased one and left it that way. My dad said it was goofy and my mom didn’t care. Nothing legal had to change and, over time, it just stuck. Nothing special or dramatic, just couldn’t make 2 “f’s” look alike.

LOL sorry my questions aren’t too good…oh well!! BTW I love your turkey cake and I so would have bought it LOL!! 😉

That turkey cake was really fun to make. I want to try a whole thanksgiving dinner of cake. Wouldn’t that be too fun?

I keep wanting to do this

November 17, 2005

I saw So The Fish Said ( a September 14th post is the continuation ) do this and I really liked the concept so I wanted to try it. Basically, you ask me anything you want and I answer it. It’s more questions about me, not nuclear physics.

So, here it is:

1. Ask me 3 questions. Any 3, no matter how personal, private or random.

2. I have to answer them honestly. I have to answer them all.

So what have I been up to?

November 16, 2005

Ok, I can let you all know now that work has slowed tremendously. They added someone to help me and that took 50% of what I do. Good and bad, but I don’t talk about work.

So H is in Boy Scouts. Last night they had a father/son cake contest at the Pack meeting. Kind of cool … A approached me and told me that H wanted to make this cake (pictured above).

(To see how go here.)

Yes this turkey is really a cake.

I took the challenge and ran with it. I wish I had borrowed my mom’s egg cake pan, but it all turned out ok.

Here are pictures from the process.

H cuts the cake into the “dressing”. He also eats while he works – a real chef!

These loaf pans became the halves of the turkey body.

Little a blows us a kiss between beater licking.

Icing the bird ( you missed the legs made of banana nut bread and carved like real turkey legs. They were the real sight to see.)

The finished product.

After the creation we went to H’s school for the Pack meeting and auctioned off the cake. I bought my own cake for $12. There’s a long story to this, but some of the cakes were going for $30. That was the s’more cream cheese cake.

The best part of the evening was when H was walking to his bed with his mom as I was laying in my bed. I said, “Hey H, I really had fun making the cake with you; I really like having fun with you.” H said, “Thanks Jef.” And I got a little teary. He is so bashful about things like that but the tone in his voice was real and genuine like he really appreciated me doing something with him.

That was definitely worth $12.

Just so you know …

November 16, 2005

Just so you aren’t deceived by the early Christmas card picture… If you are a parent you know that 1/32 of a second can lie to the world if you are taking a picture with children. Yes, we looked really happy in the Christmas card pic, but H is NEVER able to take a picture without falling apart and M is a real teenager when it comes to anything family related. An little a, well, you just have to have a dog and pony show to keep her attention for a picture. And all that stresses out Mom and Dad. So here’s the first attempt. H’s face will tell you about the crying and mine will tell you the frustration.

Kel’s A Winner!

November 15, 2005

We have a new Thunderhead. Kel of “Kel’s Place to Contemplate“. Read more