Archive for February, 2007

Sad Day

February 27, 2007

Back in 2001 before my wife and I ever got married I had a sneaky suspicion this day would come and make me and my wife sad. It was something that probably should happen, but not the way it is. It seems that H and M want to go live with their dad. My wife and I have prayed about this and both of us know that this is NOT a good decision for them, but the stress and trauma of it all just lead us this way.

So how do you determine this? How do you deal with it. Well, you determine it and see that two children have been brainwashed by their dad into believing lies. My wife verbalized it this way, “It’s like when I was married to him; he kept making me doubt myself as a parent and I know that’s not true.” It’s like her ex-husband is living in the house. The stress and tension don’t create a good atmosphere and counseling hasn’t helped.

So my baby making genes are up and at it again and I would totally do a reversal if my wife wanted it. But her words were, “I’m 35 and my uterus is already hanging out, and it’s getting up late and no sleep and feeding.” Ya, I understand…

So today, I’m really glad I get to go eat lunch with my two good friends D from the Evil Insurance Empire and AI. We meet now and then to discuss how the world should run and whom we should run down. D has had his own children struggles and gotten through them well. AI, well, he’s a good guy and a wonderful person I think I may have leaned on just a little too much at times. It was a nice lunch and it’s nice to have lunch with friends.

From Dead People To Bad Dreams In 5 Paragraphs

February 23, 2007

Grey’s Anatomy last night? Best episode yet. I’m not one to watch “my stories”, but the little wife watches on Thursdays and I’m glad I did. But then again I like shows like “Medium” and stories of the afterlife, so it was interesting. Very well written ending! I’m a big fan of good writing so last night was a plus. I like to read the writer’s blog post “Grey Matter” ( show to get behind their minds and see what the story was all about. The blog about George’s dad dying was good too.

Then I fell asleep watching Oprah’s Oscar special where she had a cold and Julia Roberts and George Clooney talked about if he was dating and I have to say I really liked George even more now that the little wife is collecting the E.R. DVD’s and I get a good dose of “The Lady Killer” in the early days. Nicole Kidman looked like her hair was about to fall out or something.

Then I fell asleep and had another one of those dreams I can’t stand. I don’t have nightmares about people chasing me or monsters or anything like that. I have nightmares about stuff that’s really going on or mixing in my mind. It seems that my dad came back and was just a jerk, per his own self, and I had to physically throw him out. Most of my dreams with him are like this. But then my mom morphs into my wife and we have this long discussion about how we each want to date other people and I’m ok with me dating but I’m jealous of her not wanting to date other people and she’s very, “Well, tough,” and that drives me nuts.

So I awoke not really feeling too hot even though it’s just a dream.

So the weekend ahead is full of mystery and intrigue translated to I have no plans other than to do something with my daughter and my wife and think about dead people and maybe fool around with my digital camera and do some laundry. And here’s an picture of Harry Connick Jr. without his hottie wife Jill Goodacre.

Adam and Steve

February 20, 2007

My wife and I sat down in bed on Friday night. I propped myself up with her 2nd pillow she would soon discard and she opened her news issue of the week, People Magazine. In this week’s issue an article talked about how some former gay people were going back to being gay – in other words ex-ex-gay.

And, as always, this got me thinking …

Before we all tune me out thinking I’m going to start quoting Scripture on homosexuality or that I’m going to bash, hang on, because I myself wanted to get to the issue of the behavior.

Currently, my manager is gay, I have worked with other gay individuals and have a couple of gay friends. So to sit here and lash out and point my finger is totally counter productive. People are people and need love. We don’t bash the hallucinating drug addict because it makes us feel better or the gossip or the liar or the tax cheat. So … anyway …

My long time approach to homosexuality- from a clinical perspective ( I’m not going to differentiate between homosexuality and lesbianism as homosexuality covers them both as the media has defined a difference between the two. ) has been that it’s a sexual addiction. An addiction being something that we have trouble not engaging in. The reason I thought this way was because the heart of the behavior relates to sexual behavior. The root of homosexuality is the fact that some people like other people of the same sex. They may not wish to have sex with them, but they do want to establish a relationship with someone who has the same body parts as they do. Why?

I think there are a few reasons people want to engage in homosexual behavior.

1. People want to experiment with their sexuality
2. People have received conflicting messages about sexual identity
3. People believe they can receive or heal other hurts or relationships through same sex, sexual relationships
4. People are addicted to the “high” of the inappropriate relationship of a same sex relationships

My other approach to homosexuality is that it’s a gender identity disorder (GID) in some people. This, fits more of a real “diagnosis” of the problem. Briefly, GID requires that

1) “There must be evidence of a strong and persistent gross-gender identification, which is the desire to be, or the insistence that one is of the other sex.” and 2) “There must also be evidence of persistent discomfort about one’s assigned sex or a sense of inappropriateness in the gender role of that sex.” ( DSM – IV 1994 )

These two criteria, I think, fit what I have experienced when I talk to my homosexual friends. Most of them have a strong tendency to another gender, not necessarily a transvestite, but they identify with females if male and males if female; and usually, they have a lot of stress about their choices. What I want to know is HOW they made this decision to have an attraction toward another person of the same sex. This can tell us way more about homosexuality than genetics or chemical balances.

I believe they make this decision influenced by factors in their environment. Plain and simple.

What I find interesting is that one of the first questions we as heterosexuals ask when we find out a couple is homosexual is, “Which one is the ‘man’ and which is the ‘woman’ in the relationship?” And isn’t it interesting that we find people who want to be with someone of the same sex still completing the roles of Male and Female in their relationship?

At risk of sounding biased, and I am, I think the design of one man and one woman by God the Creator is probably the way it should be as intended.

What’s on my cameraphone?

February 15, 2007

Not a lot today. Some interesting old pictures from my cell phone. Your comments are always welcome. Tell you what, send me your favorite picture on your cell phone ( or other picture you have from the last two months ) to me at this email address. And we’ll get them published here soon.

This is how I spent a lunch hour during the winter break between semesters. It was a nice treat to see a collegiate game for free during lunch.

This was taken during the candle-light Christmas Eve service at my in-laws church. We go every year to this service. And every year it’s moving to see them cut the lights and light the candles. You never truly understand how well your light shines.

This is my mom, little a and my sister – oldest sister 10 years senior to me. She has a grandkid of her own. Hard to believe my mom is a great grandmother. Anyway, my sister loves to dote on little a since she doesn’t have a little girl grand baby yet. Here they are putting on nail polish and little girl makeup.

The VD Eve Post

February 13, 2007
***Download My Special Valentine Card I Made For My Wife***

You guys cracked me up with what you dropped down the toilet. Money?!?!?!?!? What are you doing with money in a toilet? The Cingular rep near me tells me that they get phones in the toilet all the time.

I digress …

The wife and I had a great exchange this morning. In Texas it’s TAKS test day … joy … but that also means Mrs. Edge gets to wear jeans and a jersey today. Today’s outfit was my old Detroit Red Wings jersey. Let’s just say it was smokin’ on her. Then she said …

Wife: “I’m excited about our date tomorrow to the movie grill.”

Me: “Me too. Do you think I’ll get in your pants?”

Wife: “Oh I think so!!!”

Nice … very nice …

But, Lizgwiz had a segment on bad dates and I wanted to share my bad date experience and ask you to share yours. Just tell us about any really bad date you’ve had.

Mine went like this…

When I was in high school ( and that’s how all good stories start, you know?) I wanted to take this sophomore out. Her name was Charolette, remember her K? Anyway, I was not the party kind of guy … ever … but we heard a friend from band, yes a band party, was going on at the guy’s house who sat next to me in band. So Charolette and I decided we would go to the party.

Now Charolette’s dad was kind of protective. He’s the dad that cleaned the guns before Charolette was ready for the date. And since I was a senior and his daughter was a sophomore, he was all bent about getting her home on time and the like.

Anyway we go to the party and it’s lame. Charolette has gone off and is doing whatever and I decide I want to go and we’ll just go somewhere else. So I’m looking for Charolette. And I’m looking and looking and everyone is like, “Hey don’t worry about it,” which is just odd. So I start looking around the house and all these people are like, “Oh, she’s not in there, don’t look there,” even odder.

So I open the master bedroom door and guess who’s in there gettin nekkid with a 14 year old? Mmmm hmmmmm … Miss Charolette. In true sarcastic fashion I said, “Well, I guess you’ll be getting your own ride home.” [yes the pun was TOTALLY intended].

Then I get jumped by who? Remember Pumpkin Head from a few posts ago? A very drunk Pumpkin Head who’s 14 year old brother was diddling my date. So I throw Pumpkin Head into the wall, leaving a huge hole. And he’s all drunk and stupid. And then I leave.

And that was the last night I thought about ever dating Charolette again.

Your turn …

In case you were wondering

February 12, 2007

You can flush a tea bag down the toilet. At 8:00 AM.

What’s the oddest thing you have flushed down the toilet purposefully or by accident or a toilet overflow horror story.

Yes, it’s been a wheels off week

February 9, 2007

It HAS been a wheels off week hasn’t it?

The New Coach of the Dallas Cowboys

Let’s take stock
Tex Schramm/Clint Murchison = 1 coach
Jerry Jones = 6 coaches

Hmmm, I see a pattern.

So you tell me of the three pictures below which one is the new coach of the Dallas Cowboys?

If you guessed the love child of Newt Gingrich and Captain Kangaroo, Wade Phillips, you guessed correctly.

What a Wheels Off Week For Astronauts

In case you haven’t heard, there is more wheels off going on in Houston in the space program. Seems some astronauts can’t keep it in their pants. But the arrest picture of Lisa Marie Nowak reminds me a lot of the site “Faces Of Meth”


Faces Of Meth

Anna Nicole’s Wheels Finally Fall Off For Good

Can you have a more tragic ending to a life than the ending for Anna Nicole Smith? Not only is her estate now in an imbroglio for the money of a dead billionaire, but her son is dead, her daughter is motherless and baby-daddy is not known. How odd and strange. Maybe the Kennedy’s are involved.

And A Wheels Off Quiz

As an adult, have you ever urinated in the shower?
Free polls from

This is how this works …

February 6, 2007

This is kind of cool and I hope I get a bunch of responses on it. I’m going to leave a comment on my blog with a question. The next person answers the question like they were me and then asks a question for the next person to answer like they were me. Don’t screw this up.

How do you like your coffee … or tea

February 1, 2007

It’s been this odd racial, ethnic kind of day for me yesterday. To sum up, I went to an MLK luncheon attended by 90% Caucasians, the menu was pork, green beans, mashed potatoes and cobbler, and the public high school gospel choir performed two hymns. It felt so odd to me on so many levels as I sat next to a Hispanic man who, when asked to rise for the Black American Anthem, said, “Dee black what?”

Nor did my day start any more normal than my wife telling me another story about one of her students. Most of the time this is a normal thing for us to shower and get ready together and talk about stuff going on before our work day begins. Yesterday, she was telling me about one of her student’s parents, who happens to be African American. She followed it with, “He’s a very handsome man, not like, ‘Ooooh, I want you,’ handsome, but more, ‘he’s attractive.'”

I told her that she had just made a very interesting comment I couldn’t relate to and followed with that I had never been attracted to an African American woman. Her quick response was, “Not even Halle Berry?” And just as quick was my, “Nope, I’ve never been attracted to an African American woman, not even Halle Berry.”

For me it’s similar to not liking coffee. Some people love coffee and can’t get enough, me, I’m just not a coffee drinker, and I hold no ill feelings toward coffee or coffee drinkers. I like hot tea. The same sentiment goes to the African American woman, Asian American woman, Hispanic American woman, Middle Eastern American woman, Indian American woman and even the Polynesian American woman. I just find the Caucasian woman to be the most attractive to me.

And as I thought about my dating preferences the rest of the day, it dawned on me I’ve never dated outside my race. Maybe I would have been more of an understanding individual if I had. I never dated outside of my race because the opportunity never arose, I guess. Maybe that’s a cop out because I was the one that had to do the asking. I think the closest I came was dating a woman who was half Hispanic, half Caucasian. She had red hair and was fair skinned. Except for her last name you would have thought she was 100% Caucasian.

But by the same token, ladies of other racial groups were never attracted to me. My wife tells me she had a thing in high school for a Hispanic young man down the street from her, and they went out a couple of times, but nothing more. I think lots of women like the Latin-lover type. And I do remember some African American girls telling me in high school I had a good butt, better than the African American men. I thanked her politely. But as far as a mutual attraction; again, coffee.

I’m watching my step-daughter navigate the waters of junior high and dating, or rather, not dating. She has chosen to wait to date guys until both she and them are older. She sees a lot of young immature boys and can’t stand them at this age. They’re truly pervs – even to me. I reassure her that they do get better, but I don’t tell her it will be when they are 30. I don’t know if she’ll date outside her race. And so what if she does? I think I’ll stick with my Caucasian German American wife and my Irish American hot tea girl on the side.