Archive for the ‘politics’ Category

Pizza Patron Accepts Pesos

June 7, 2007

Let’s talk about immigration. I don’t have anything against immigrants who are here legally. Hey, at one time part of my family were immigrants. They got tired of the King of England and headed out for a road trip on the 3rd ship after the Mayflower. Somewhere along the line one of them hooked up with an Indian squaw ( sorry Native American woman ) and I became this odd mix of Irish and Native American. Basically, I can beat on the tom tom and shoot a bow and arrow but get a really bad tan. I think my Indian name is Burns Like Toast.

So the U.S. has been dealing with this immigration thing for a long time. You know we’ve always had illegals here. The difference is that in the way back machine we brought illegals over from Africa. We got around that until 1861 saying they were property, which in my opinion, the whole slave thing was wrong, but I have no idea why we still hash that out.

Somewhere in the 1830’s Mexico and Spain decided they didn’t want the natives south of the Rio Grande so they started kicking them out and sending them as far away from the “home office” as possible. That happened to be Texas and they haven’t stopped. I think their excuse was, “Hey man, whee don’t whant no poor peoples!” So they kicked them out and have been exporting criminals for well over a century, because basically, they can and we don’t say anything about it.

So how do I feel about immigration? You really don’t care what I think, you have your opinion, but the people who make the rules regarding illegals don’t live where I live. They don’t live where people speak languages other than English and expect me to learn their language. They don’t live where, tons of them commit crimes, clog welfare and insist on free handouts. A co-worker actually told me the other day – and this is verbatim – “You should learn some Spanish.” Umm no, they should be learning English. Ya well try that sh!t in France or Germany. It doesn’t fly so why should the U.S. be different.

Second thing is this, the immigrants we get, mostly Hispanic, don’t make an effort to integrate into American culture. They almost insist on resisting learning English, not educating themselves and live off of welfare. Yes, they may get a better deal here, but it’s a drain on everyone else for free services.

I had a conversation with a coworker who was from India legally. Our conversation centered on immigrants from India. Most from India are the elite. Basically, if you’re poor in India, you can’t get out. And I know that’s true in other parts of the world as well. But where I live, Hispanics really don’t do well in school, they have high drop out rates and they have the highest unwed teenage pregnancy rates. And we’re paying for it. There are exceptions and there are stellar performers, but the large population, not so much.

Let’s say you snuck into a movie theater without buying a ticket. The manager tells you to leave, but instead of leaving you insist on getting free popcorn and free drinks and you want to stay and watch other movies tomorrow and the next day and so on and so forth, and hey, you don’t want to pay for it. That’s what the illegals do and are proposing and are about to get in this country.

I just read the “immigration bill” – read “Bill to allow tons of current criminals to stay and mooch off of us – got an amendment voted down. I’ll let Yahoo News state it:

“The Senate defeated an amendment by Sen. John Cornyn … a Texas Republican, that would have barred large numbers of illegal immigrants from taking advantage of the proposed legalization program.
The measure would have excluded anyone convicted of document fraud or identity theft, ignored deportation orders or committed felonies from gaining legal status.”

Hmmm, so we’ll let you stay now if you’re a criminal? Well, I guess it doesn’t make a difference, you’re already a criminal anyway.