Archive for September, 2005

It Was The French

September 30, 2005

As many of you may know, I do NOT like the French. Have I been to their soil? Yes. Have I experienced their hatred to the filthy American? Yes. Has my family helped their country? Yes, way back in WWI.

So if we really want to blame a government for hurricane problems, blame the French, they sold us that place. They knew hurricanes went through there and they sold it to us anyway. Right? Is my logic off? I mean if we want to pass the blame let’s just say the French shouldn’t have sold us Louisiana and then we wouldn’t have had to deal with all this mess.

This article from Shaggy Dog is a good picture of the REAL New Orleans and Louisiana politics.

The Shaggy Dog

And while we’re at it, let’s blame the Canadians for sending us the Acadians to Louisiana who became the Cajuns, then we’ll blame Harry Connick Jr. for being so darned cute my wife still believes it was Deborah Messings fault Harry’s character had an affair on Will and Grace. He’s from Louisiana, right?

I Knew You Would Be Listening

September 29, 2005

I had a second to slow down today after a really stressful day yesterday at The Big School. Ughh. Just not enough of me to go around.

The other night I was waiting for M to finish up cheerleading ( ya she’s a cheerleader in Texas – she’s quiting at the end of the year – it’s not her cup of tea ) and I had a brief thought. In about 3 years I won’t see my daughter every morning on my ride in to work.

Why, well, you need some background. You see little a and I take off every morning for her school ( I refuse to call it day care ) around 6:30 AM. We’ve been doing this for about a year. She’s 2. When she turns 5 she’ll get to go to “school with mommy”. Since A is a kindergarten teacher, all the kids go to her school so A can be close. It also helps logistically moving young children around.

That car ride together that lasts for only 20-30 minutes makes a big difference in our relationship – the one between me, whom she affectinately calls “Maudy” short for “My Daddy” and little a whom I call “Pumpkin”. And I get the most formative years, 1-5. Little a and I sing and play games. We look for school buses and motorcycles and advertising balloons on top of buildings. We learn to count by singing and counting pieces of Cookie Crisp Cereal and on Friday’s we get donuts – a long standing family tradition. She prays ( she sings the first part of “Still Listening” By Stephen Curtis Chapman )

To The Tune Of Frere Jacque
God our Father
God our Father
Once Again
Once Again
We Bow Our Heads And Thank You
Bow Our Heads And Thank You

It touches your heart. Touches places where you know the world is right for only a few years and sometimes only a few minutes. It makes the stress and anxiety go far far away.

In a journal of thoughts I keep for little a I have a short poem I want her to have if our time is somehow cut short. I don’t like posting poems – it’s just not me, but I hope you enjoy this one. It’s from a car add of all things. I wish I could look at my time with everyone like I look at my time with little a – like a precious jewel or a spectacular sunset. They come and go only once but very rare and precious. She’s only 2 once in life and I want to drink it in like good wine. Getting drunk until I’m senseless with happiness.

“Nobody Knows It But Me”
(‘Chevrolet Tahoe – ‘Poem’ Campaign 2002)

There’s a place that I travel
When I want to roam,
And nobody knows it but me

The roads don’t go there
And the signs stay home
And nobody knows it but me

It’s far far away
And way way afar
It’s over the moon and the sea

And wherever you’re going
That’s wherever you are
And nobody knows it but me

The Poem read by James Garner:
Written by Patrick O’Leary – author at GM’s advertising agency

Final CD Listing In Comments From Yesterday

September 29, 2005

Final track list is in there. But I know I’ll have another to make from your suggestions.

A Hair Net Hairspray Experience

September 28, 2005

As I was driving home, I couldn’t find my Night Ranger CD. I really wanted to listen to Dont’ Tell Me You Love Me. 80’s hair bands were such a novelty. I want to make an 80’s Hair Band CD. If you have any suggestions of bands, and most importantly songs, please feel free to give me a list of what you think should be on the CD. Artists are great, but artist and title are even better.

Big Brother IS Watching You

September 26, 2005

House 2005 From Way Up Posted by Picasa

Here is my casa, from way up high in the space-o-sphere. Click on it and you will see it up close. (My house is the one with the smallest back yard closest to the center of the picture.)

Ok, see the small house in the back right corner of the yard. That’s the dog house TFM and I built. See the little black speck in the middle of the back yard by the fence? That’s my dog Spook. His sister Spider is hiding somewhere.

Makes you careful about what you do in your back yard, doesn’t it?

Quick Update

September 26, 2005

K – who is a good reader and friend here at Thuderfish – made it safely through Rita. He says he even had to water the yard last night. The West side of Houston looks good but as you go East it gets worse.

Happy to know the good news and hope things get better for East of Houston.

Please ask Kayne West to say that George Bush hates Houston.

Just a Brief Follow Up On "Pr0n" Talk

September 24, 2005

This article gives you an idea of how much one producer made and the decision she made to stop. I found it interesting.

Thanks everyone for your input.


Nagging Question

September 22, 2005

This question may seem out of character for me and for some of you, but I am just dumbfounded by it.

Where do all the women who pose for p0rn come from and what’s their motivation?

If this is such a taboo thing for young women to participate in, then why do so many participate and new ones keep filling the spot of the ones that retire or move on?

I have never met anyone personally involved with producing p0rn or the subject of pictures and videos, but obviously there are a lot more people producing this than we probably know about. I know in my industry ( web development ) it’s a quick buck if you are inclined to enter into the business. A former colleague who’s uncle hosted this material said the income was $34,000 a month. Yes, a month.

It’s just a curiosity question. No motive, just don’t see why it doesn’t go away. Supply and demand, but the supply side is the part that confounds me.

The Hayhursts Have A New Human

September 22, 2005

Baby Updates: Announcing Jordan’s Arrival

The Hayhursts made a human. Good job guys. Hope things go well. Sorry you didn’t get the sleep you wanted Roy. It’s 2 + years for me and I still don’t get the sleep I need. I think it comes after retirement.

Ya for the Hayhursts!

Doing a Lieutenant Dan

September 22, 2005

Remember when Lieutenant Dan in Forest Gump was on the mast of Forest’s ship during the storm and shaking his fist at God and telling him to, “Bring it on!”? Well, I fell a little like some people are doing that in the face of Rita.

Which, we are so far removed from hurricanes up here when you say Rita you just sound like a rich N. Dallas girl being trendy when she orders a drink.

So the media has started the scare talk already. This one does pack a punch though; it’s expected to still be a cat 1 hurricane by the time it reaches the DFW area on Saturday.

So this morning I stopped off at Wal-mart and bought 2 flashlights a case of bottled water and $80 to make it through just in case. Hey, no electricity means no ATM’s and no credit cards and you can’t validate a check if it’s over $20 in most places.

– My plans for home are to fill the big gas can ( 5 gallons ) with gas tonight.

– Pull down the water cooler from the attic and clean it out and fill with water and a few drops of bleach

– Charge the re-chargeable batteries, find the radio and flashlights

– Find a place to put the dogs in the garage (their house is well built, but not that strong)

– Communicate the plan to eat out of the fridge and freezer first then the canned goods in case there is prolonged power outages.

– Check on my mom and see if she’s prepared (she’ll probably be at the hospital since she’s a nurse)

– Get ready for TFM to come over with tons of food from his freezer as he loses power when the wind picks up over 5 mph.

The worst thing that has been going on is traffic. The coast is here and clogging up I-45 and the other interstates. If it was me and I was in the Houston area I would have headed out I-10 and over to Midland and up to Lubbock. That things coming up I-45 and I-35. Why stay in DFW? Go further west.

Gas is expected to shoot up to about $4.00/gal since 25% of the refineries in the nation are in the hurricanes path.

Give some cred to FEMA, W, Governor Perry and the local officials from learning from our eastern neighbor how not to handle a hurricane.

I’ll see if I can keep you updated with how a cat 1 hurricane feels.