Archive for the ‘Dreams’ Category

From Dead People To Bad Dreams In 5 Paragraphs

February 23, 2007

Grey’s Anatomy last night? Best episode yet. I’m not one to watch “my stories”, but the little wife watches on Thursdays and I’m glad I did. But then again I like shows like “Medium” and stories of the afterlife, so it was interesting. Very well written ending! I’m a big fan of good writing so last night was a plus. I like to read the writer’s blog post “Grey Matter” ( show to get behind their minds and see what the story was all about. The blog about George’s dad dying was good too.

Then I fell asleep watching Oprah’s Oscar special where she had a cold and Julia Roberts and George Clooney talked about if he was dating and I have to say I really liked George even more now that the little wife is collecting the E.R. DVD’s and I get a good dose of “The Lady Killer” in the early days. Nicole Kidman looked like her hair was about to fall out or something.

Then I fell asleep and had another one of those dreams I can’t stand. I don’t have nightmares about people chasing me or monsters or anything like that. I have nightmares about stuff that’s really going on or mixing in my mind. It seems that my dad came back and was just a jerk, per his own self, and I had to physically throw him out. Most of my dreams with him are like this. But then my mom morphs into my wife and we have this long discussion about how we each want to date other people and I’m ok with me dating but I’m jealous of her not wanting to date other people and she’s very, “Well, tough,” and that drives me nuts.

So I awoke not really feeling too hot even though it’s just a dream.

So the weekend ahead is full of mystery and intrigue translated to I have no plans other than to do something with my daughter and my wife and think about dead people and maybe fool around with my digital camera and do some laundry. And here’s an picture of Harry Connick Jr. without his hottie wife Jill Goodacre.